15 Minutes, Activism, Bigots by Other Names, Rumours Gin Mill

An Open Letter to “Dr” Orly Taitz

Dear Mrs. Taitz,

I made Good Faith inquiries to you for an interview about YOU. what makes you tick, your time at Hebrew University, which will neither confirm nor deny you even graduated, Your political bent in Israel like, telling us about your connections to the Right of the banned KaCH party, Beitenu Yisroel, that is anti-Muslim. Or were you a member of KaCh? I’d also suggest not bothering to  attend Yom Kippurim services, since your confessions won’t be sincere. – all of which I deem relevant to Americans who want to understand you better. Your responses offered nothing but excuses, comparisons to real political dissidents who languish in prisons around the world, while you roam free under our oppressive Bill of Rights and to martyrs who have died for their cause. I must remind you, during this time of reflection, that we Jews don’t believe in Willful Martyrdom.

I’ve been following your sideshow for some time, and well, I just gotta say this: WTF? Do you even understand what a SLAPP Suit is? Do you understand what your attempts to deprive American citizens of THEIR right to Free Speech is called?Do you understand ‘RICO’? Your continual howls to boycott this show or that actor or add their names to a bogus “defamation” suit because they said things you considered “mean”, when most likely it was the truth regarding you and your crap “lawyering” . You have made the California State Bar a jesting-stock with your nonsense, and so, the time has truly come, madam, for you to release PROOF that it was you and not some well paid dupe who both took the Taft Law School Courses AND sat for the Cal Bar. And before your howler monkeys descend, I KNOW that you only had to provide your fingerprints at the time of your application to sit for the bar, and no a photo needed. I KNOW that no one from Taft ever spoke to you, I KNOW your English writing skills are worse than an amputee in a Calligraphy school. I KNOW you are incapable of writing a coherent pleading, and that alone should have disqualified your application to Taft.

I have no doubt that those who genuinely support your Sisyphean task truly believe that Hawaii is some exotic land somehow not connected to the USA like Alaska, which is connected to Canada which is connected to the USA.

The others are there for their amusement.

Reprints & Crossposts

Following Up: My latest newsvine article

I recently read a Letter to the Editor of the Sacramento Bee, where Dr. Taitz made a quite startling revelation:

“…I was born in a shack, heated with a stove with wood and coal, where I considered myself being lucky to have running water.  I came to this country as an immigrant with only one suitcase in her hand and worked hard to attain most difficult professional licensure, developed businesses, built a not for profit foundation,..”

Why am I stunned? Well, in other interviews, she mentions her parents were science teachers. She was not “born in a shack” as Moldavia set out to eradicate illiteracy, and so her parents would have had a rather good life. She also, for the first time does not mention she emigrated to Israel before coming to America, nor does she mention her husband, whom she met in Israel. She gives the Bee readers the nostalgic image of the “poor Eastern European” immigrant who only had a single suitcase, no family and no no. A bit strange, don’t you think?

This revelation led me to send Dr Taitz some follow up questions.

If your family was as poor as you now state, how did you afford to attend Hebrew University? Did you have scholarships, grants or some other means of paying the tuition for your studies? 

 Regarding your foundation, may I inspect the 501c (3) non-profit documents? Who is on the Board of Directors for  your foundation? If the documents or other foundation information is/are available online, will you supply the link(s)?

When you arrived in America, at which Port of Entry did you arrive at? Was your now husband with you? and what was your immigrant status refugee, fiance or wife? If refugee, why did you feel it necessary to flee Eretz Yisorel, where in your wikipedia and interviews you say you met your husband Eretz Yisorel?

Where you born in Kishinev, or did you move there with your parents? 

 According to an interview with Tablet Magazine there is this quote:

“She said she was raised in Kishinev (or Chisinau, now the capital of Moldova),…”

Dr. Taitz feels I am mocking her. Not in the least. Since Dr. Taitz is now running for public office, she is running to oppose California Senator Dianne Feinstein, I am asking these questions in order to provide essential information on now very public individual. Californians are entitled to know as much about Dr Taitz,DDS, as any other politician. It is called TRANSPARENCY, Dr.

Who is running her campaign committee? Who is funding it beyond the donations she receives from her supporters? Again, I ask you Dr. Taitz to release your records by signing the FOIA that I sent to you.

Bigots by Other Names

Orly, Orly, Orly….

Why are you exhorting your sycophants to commit a crime? first you set them on harassing a GA judge, then others and, today, she is exhorting her horde to harass HateTalk Host, Michael Savage. Sometimes, does do Mitzvahs:


Posted on | April 8, 2012 | No Comments

Michael_Savage@mail.vresp.com, star@TheJamesRWhelanAgency.com

yet I have never had any reply either. (The last belongs to hisadvertising agency).

However, here is an access method to him, that he cannot block so far:This is his Internet streaming site


and I have posted several comments for him. Others can do the sameperhaps at any his streaming site.

Yours truly,


This exhortation is because HateTalker Savage has pronounced the 2012 Presidential Election “rigged”. As we all know the Right will become more and more unhinged as Primal Seasoning continues. Why do they call them “Primaries anways? After the very first Primary, every other is secondary.

Orly has been asked to speak at a “Constitutional something or nutter, and one of the websites is “deuteronomy1715. They seem to want a KING:

From the JPS:

  כִּי-תָבֹא אֶל-הָאָרֶץ, אֲשֶׁר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ נֹתֵן לָךְ, וִירִשְׁתָּהּ, וְיָשַׁבְתָּה בָּהּ; וְאָמַרְתָּ, אָשִׂימָה עָלַי מֶלֶךְ, כְּכָל-הַגּוֹיִם, אֲשֶׁר סְבִיבֹתָי.
14 When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein; and shalt say: ‘I will set a king over me, like all the nations that are round about me’;
טו  שׂוֹם תָּשִׂים עָלֶיךָ מֶלֶךְ, אֲשֶׁר יִבְחַר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ בּוֹ:  מִקֶּרֶב אַחֶיךָ, תָּשִׂים עָלֶיךָ מֶלֶךְ–לֹא תוּכַל לָתֵת עָלֶיךָ אִישׁ נָכְרִי, אֲשֶׁר לֹא-אָחִיךָ הוּא. 15 thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God shall choose; one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee; thou mayest not put a foreigner over thee, who is not thy brother.

Orly is now a Royalist. What she also doesn’t get, is that these ginks are Evangelicals.


Free Speech for ME, NOT for Thee #2

This is a screencap of a comment of birgoter, who supports the Constitution:

This is what passes for a threat to “Obots” or, as we are known, “People living in the REAL World”. Unless we agree with the birgoter  nonsense, we are not welcome. These whiny bitches are so thin-skinned that at the drop of a binky they are crying to facebook about how mean we are.

Here, shove this and stfu

Bigots by Other Names

When “No” Means “I will keep cutting myself til I get my way”

Since she first burst onto the “Keep the White House White” a/k/a “Birther Movement” scene, Orly Taitz has been losing a pitched battle. From “acting a s a”prosecutor” for so-called “Citizen Grand Juries”  accusations of forgery and fraud to “copyrighting” post made up of other people’s comments or emails, she keeps metaphorically cutting herself in a bid for attention. Her current pattern of continual motion filing is similar to the tactic she took when suing the day school her son was expelled from for allegedly cheating. I presume she used a similar tact with all the other lawsuit she found herself involved in as a landlord and as a dentist.

What I find intriguing, is the lack of interest in her background. We know more about Barack Obama, than we do her. I have written the Hebrew University regarding her attendance, and they will not (cannot?) divulge her matriculation date and degree without her leave and say so, and her student ID number. I should add, that the Israeli equivalent of a DDS takes six years. Highly unlikely if she emigrated in 1981 and came to the USA in May of 1987 (note, no date is given for her arrival in Israel, just the year, while her date of leaving is given in full). Taft University, likewise has failed to answer my request as to the veracity of her attendance. Taft is a “correspondence” law school, which means, Taitz had little or no face to face interaction with her professors. Taft also requires an entry essay as part of the application process. Even giving leave that for Dr. Taitz English is a second language, her writing skills are not at a level that wold gain her entry into the school. Yet the “Birther Movement” seems singularly unconcerned with the lack of information about their self-appointed leader. Could it be, that it is because she looks like them? That she knows what buttons to push?

Taitz looked a (minor) victory in the face and opted for defeat. When Judge Malihi offered her a default judgement, she said “NO!!!! I WANT TO PRESENT MY EVIDENCE”.  This continual refusal to face reality of the lack of credibility of her poorly worded motions is the equivalent of cutting, and she finding fewer places to cut. So much so, that she seems to have now embraced the Sovereign Citizens Movement quite fully in her latest “blog link”.

When you feel everyone is conspiring against you, what would you call it?

15 Minutes, Rumours Gin Mill

Conspiracy 201: Baba Ganoush

Orly Taitz is headed for the Guinness World Book of Records, thanks to Georgia Deputy Administrative Judge Michael Malihi, when he ruled against her despite the fact that attorneys for President Obama refused to be present:

Georgia-Obama-Eligibility-FINAL-DECISION-of-ALJ-Mahili-Obama-is-NBC-3-Feb-2012 (pdf)

Even before the hearing, which Taitz kept describing as a “trial” she was dubious about Judge Malihi’s religious background, wondering if he were Iranian Christian or Muslim, but forgetting that there are Jews in Iran. I know, I know, as far as Ashkenazim are concerned, there is only them. Malihi is a Mizrahi (Middle Eastern Jewish) name, but that doesn’t mean squat to the successfully terrorized –  the low information voter aka “the Base” (or Groundlings or Peasants or Low Status, Willfully Ignorant). There is another blog, that posted the following

Immediately after hearing that Georgia Judge Michael Malihi ruled against the Plaintiffs in the case regarding Obama’s eligibility to be on the 2012 presidential ballot, and hearing that Malihi was a Muslim Iranian, I decided to find out all I could about him.  Is his ancestry really Iranian?  Is his faith really Muslim?  And did either of these things, if true, play a role in his decision to side with Obama in the Georgia eligibility hearing?…. noticed that Intelius offered an alternate spelling of his name.  I decided to look into the name Molihi.  Pretty much everything led back to the name Malihi.   I will look more into that later as time permits.  I also noticed that listed as locations where he lived is Connecticut.  Wasn’t that where the social security number was issued that Obama is using, or has used?  Wonder if that’s got any legs?

Those permanently terrorized by the WoT are her most ardent supporters. You can read it in his comments. Yes, the “Terrorists” won, and they all profess to be Republicans. And, because of this, I fear for Judge Malihi’s safety and for the safety of  his staff.