Ad Astra, Chemo

On the 2nd Week of Chemo

I more or less survived m first week. I reacted badly to the Taxol, and now I get dosed with Benadryl before I get the drugs. I’m taking part in a study, so I get infused with calcium and magnesium before I get the Benadryl and the taxol & herceptin. the entire process is an all day affair. Benadryl knocks puts me to sleep. So far, no nausea, with the anti-nausea meds, but I am dealing with acne.


I am working on keeping to as normal a schedule as I can. Stay tuned.

Ad Astra

A Wandering Actor, I

After many long years of training, scene study and assorted false starts, I have found a coach who challenges me as an actor. He pulls things from deep inside me and pulls no punches in his assessments. I get the same from his associates. His name is John Pallotta. I’ve been at the John Pallotta Studio for a few weeks now, and not even the awesome coaches at the National Shakespeare Conservatory pulled out me what John, Gina and Robert have pulled out of me.I am always surprised and challenged there.

Check him out.

Thank you, John.

Ad Astra

The Sheltered Existence Pt.14 – Wonder of Wonders…

I interviewed for an apartment last week. Well, it’s a studio in a suite that I will share with three others, but we each have our own private room and we share the kitchen and the bath. I go back next week for the psychiatric screening.  It’s a really nice building in Manhattan on the West side. My “long national nightmare” may soon be ending.

Self-assertive energies Mars in the 5th House,  5,
activity period from 4 December 2011 until beginning of August 2012

Ad Astra

A teensy word about the astrology thing

I’ve’ decided to engage in a personal experiment relating to astrology and my life. That’s why you’ll start seeing “transits via” at the bottom of my posts.  Jeer if you will, I can take it.

Today’s transit via Moon Square Chiron, , exact at 16:51
activity period from 6 December 2011 to 7 December 2011

Ad Astra, Rumours Gin Mill, Uncategorized

this sounds familiar

from my short form horoscope: Saturn square Uranus: Radical actions

Beginning of November 2011 until mid August 2012: This can be an extremely upsetting and tense period, particularly if you have allowed your life to crystallize into rigid patterns that cannot easily be changed. This is a time of great tension, because your desire for change and new experiences seems to be thwarted by circumstances or other people. If you have been putting up with unpleasant conditions in any area of your life, these will become much more difficult to withstand now. The tensions may become so great that you will unexpectedly take very radical actions that you would not have anticipated a short while ago.

During this time you face the challenge of creative change without destructive revolution. If you try to endure the pressure of a situation crying for changes in the face of profound obstacles, you subject your body to extreme tensions, which is not good for your health, especially your nerves.

Some people are utterly unconscious of the need for change in their lives. When this influence hits them, changes start to happen suddenly, which can be quite upsetting and unpleasant. The changes may even take the form of accidents, which are often an unconscious and inadvertent release of subconscious tension.