Bigots by Other Names, Theocracy NO

Your Obligation to Others

“For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always.” Attributed to Jesus, this is a stark, and unbelievable redefinition of God’s command in Deuteronomy: “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.” Indeed, in Leviticus we are informed that we, as communal whole are Obligated to treat the poor, the widow, the orphan, and the stranger with the same respect we give to those in a better state. We are Obligated to pay a worker their wages, and not steal it. Lest you argue that Deuteronomy only “applies to the Jews (Israelites)’ you are lacking. If Jesus actually said what Matthew reported, then, he’s a bigger prick than Caesar or Herod ever was. Why? Because the “son of god”, with that phrase shows him as petty and jealous as Ba’al. Not to mention the utter lack of human kindness of Rome’s Deities.

To those on the extreme edge of the Republican Party, parity, regard for those less fortunate who are outcast through no error of their own, keeping them housed fed, employed is “socialism”. They reject the humanity that god commands and instead, revel in the inhumanity of god. The god of the Israelites is quite the Janus.

On my Facebook Wall one day, I posted the sections from Leviticus that informed us of the above obligations of Deuteronomy


and I was taken to task as these injunctions “shouldn’t apply to government”. Needless to say, I was stunned and let it rest, since I knew debating this would go nowhere. The extreme evangelicals have decided to only preach the negative, as we see in their interfering in government law-making from Uganda to Russia with their anti-LGBT legislation, or should I say their License to Murder legislation? The extremists on the Far Rightwing have been fairly successful in ginning up fear and loathing of anyone not “Them” and spreading fear among those in the Republican Party that disagree with their “policies” of “MINE!”

It is, in my opinion, time for those in the Republican Party who disagree and fear where their Party is heading to not just stand up, but to call them repeatedly out. It is time for them to stand up to FOX, the rising and corrupt Oligarchs, and trample the base that working to destroy the Grand Old Party. We must call out the worshipers of Putin for what they are:


Activism, Bigots by Other Names, Reprints & Crossposts, Theocracy NO

Thoughts on the GOP Game

The GOP is putting into practice here what was perfected under other Administrations and their destabilization of other countries, particularly in South America. I am of the opinion, that we laugh at the current event page at our peril. The people fomenting sedition and calling for the overthrow of our duly elected government are the shock troops FOX has been grooming since the inception of the network.

These “patriots” have been fed a steady diet of fear, hate, and conspiracy to the point that they have created an entirely separate Consensus Reality where they live in a Repressive [insert Doublespeak Description here] Regime that has taken away their “voice” as Americans. They have fallen prey to the hucksterism of “Sovereign Citizenship” and the embrace of a Social Darwinian view of Humanity, which they have bought as “Christianity“. They have an “I got mine, so fuck you” attitude towards others that are in the situation they were in. While we may jeer at them, they feel and most importantly, they Believe they are being bullied, and we know that the Bullied Can And sometimes Do turn violent and kill everything in sight.

When you listen to people talk about their Constitutional Rights, they seem to leave out the FIRST AMENDMENT. There is a reason why the Framers placed the RIGHTS of Speech, Petition, Press and Worship as Paramount over the Militia. These Sacred Rights are more important than the Milita.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Do the Fearmongers not comprehend?

And, what brought me to this? There is a Facebook “Event” that is supposed to take place in May  June, when a group of “patriots” will attempt to arrest the entirety of our Duly Elected Government and the Supreme Court.


We The People will meet at the Capital Building in Washington DC to make a mass citizens arrest on every member of congress – both the house and senate, the Vice President and President for Treason against the United States of America.

With the aid of local law enforcement We The People will read formal charges of treason against each and every one of them and then each will be arrested and given due process.

We The People as American citizens have every right to make a citizens arrest if we see a crime being committed or know of a crime that has been committed and OUR elected officials are not holding their oaths to uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution and they no longer represent the people and doing so is TREASON and they must be held accountable.

Its past time the American people took action to hold OUR elected officials accountable for the damage they have done to this great country. I hope you will be one of the true American patriots that will show up and help the American people to see OUR country again.

Lets do this the PEACEFUL way fellow Americans. We are a republic – the rule of law and lets use the law to do the right thing and arrest them all for treason.

Yet, they are not “overthrowing” the Government, because ELECTIONS!!!!!!

To Restore The Republic – Four Goals

All 50 states each nullify the federal government by voting by ballot – only takes 35 to do it.

All 50 states make voter registration without declaring any party – only register to vote. We are all Americans and America comes before any political party. Both major parties are corrupt and no longer represent the people. Make the primaries blanket so there are no parties involved. That means no republican or democrat primaries – all Americans.

All 50 states make ALL elections paper ballot only and mandatory hand counts. NO ELECTRONIC MEANS to count ballots or vote.

All 50 states make it mandatory that a jury is told there are three options – not guilty, guilty, and the law is unjust and nullify the charges. The legal system needs checks and balances too and a jury is one way to do that. The status quo currently HIDES this from any jury.

Ohh, loook!!! Jury Nullification!!!

oh, and they want “Oath Keepers” to protect them, while they attempt to break up the United States of America.

One commenter, speaks thus:

Samantha Adams I would like to get everybody to pledge that they will go over a Constitutional course by either The National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS) or by Michael Badnarik, which is currently available through the Internet at:

link removed. 

If they do not make a PLEDGE to go through one of these Constitution courses they should not come.*

Considering the fact,t hat the “Constitutional Expert” is a computer “expert”, conspiracy theorist, and disrespects the flag by placing it upside down, and therefore knows the Real Truth of what our Constitution says. He’s an idiot.

English: Detail of Preamble to Constitution of...

*this is akin to the pre-Voting Rights Act‘s Polling place Literacy Test for Blacks.

The first page of the Voting Rights Act.
The first page of the Voting Rights Act. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Ad Astra, Rumours Gin Mill, Theocracy NO

Reprint: How Evangelicals & Dominoinists use Magick

All too often, I hear “oh, you CAN’T do magick to do x/y/z. it’s bad ju-ju. Listen up folks:
Do you pray? You do magick
do you cross your fingers? You do magick
Do you say Geshundeit/Salud or “bless” when someone sneezes? You do magick

There are people out there “praying for you” and it isn’t altruistc. it is MAGICK. they are praying for your conversion to whatever (FundiXitianity) they write your name on paper and “nail it to a cross”

They also prayed for non-Christian students in their school and wrote their names down on paper.
In a solemn, symbolic offering, they nailed the pieces of paper to a wooden cross, set up beside the flag pole.

This is called BINDNG MAGICK
Continue reading

Activism, Rumours Gin Mill, Theocracy NO

Pray for (or Prey On) Newark?

Pray for Newark seeks not to make our streets safer, but to make Newark a Christian Theocratic city as it was in its founding in 1666. As a non-Christian, this concerns me, Mr Mayor. You have endorsed the program, but Mr. Mayor, are you aware that the program is tied to the “Kill the Gays Movement in Uganda? from a current post about PfN:

Pray for Newark was founded by Newark suburb resident Lloyd Turner, who in October 2008 spoke at an Argentina conference of the International Transformation Network (ITN), whose CEO Ed Silvoso wrote, in his 2007 book, Transformation: Change the Marketplace and You Change the World, that homosexuality is caused by demon possession and that HIV and AIDS can be cured through faith healing and prayer. According to Silvoso, the entire national police force of the Philippines is being indoctrinated in this ideology.

You are a vocal supporter of GLBT Rights, yet, you have endorsed these medival minded people?
Demon possession? Really, Mr. Mayor? or uses military language to describe the work?  That credits Jesus with the drop in crime? Does that imply that only non-Christians are dying here?

supports the “Seven Moutains” program which calls for born-again Christians to take control of businesses and governments?

here are 7 Mountains of Influence in Culture…
In 1975, Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade, and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission, had lunch together in Colorado. God simultaneously gave each of these change agents a message to give to the other. During that same time frame Francis Schaeffer was given a similar message. That message was that if we are to impact any nation for Jesus Christ, then we would have to affect the seven spheres, or mountains of society that are the pillars of any society. These seven mountains are business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion. :

Simply because almost everything and everyone “pray‐able” has an address somewhere. Your family. Your neighbors. Your workplace. Your school. Your church. Your investments. And so on.

When you ADOPT YOUR STREET, you are signing on to bless, fellowship with and minister to the felt needs of your community and those around you, and when the power and presence of the Lord touches them in some way, proclaim to them that it has a name. It’s called the kingdom of God, and it has come near to them. We call it “prayer evangelism” – talking to God about others before you talk to others about God. When you ADOPT YOUR STREET, you will be linking up with a vast army of people just like you in your own community and all around the world who are doing the very same thing. You will be able to find them on the site’s virtual map and you will be able to connect with them through comments and forums. You will never be alone.

Mr. Mayor, How can you claim to support Gay Rights, when Prayer For Newark and its ilk do not. IN fact, consider it to be “demon possession” what do they consider us non-Christians? They are very quiet about that. Mr. Mayor, if a Muslim organization came to you for support in their efforts to “take back the streets for Allah” and make them safer, would you endorse that?

“Pray for Newark” has MAPPED our city, Mr. Mayor. That means, they know where every church, mosque, synagogue, stores that sell merchandise they find “aberrant” are located. If they infiltrate the Police Department, how safe will the LGBT Community or anyone not on the 7 Mountain plan feel? They want to TAKE CONTROL OF NEWARK. CULTURALLY, SPIRITUALLY AND ECONOMICALLY.

Now, what was that about “none may buy or sell….”?

Click the talk2action link either above or here, then tell me I am wrong about Pray for Newark and the aims of Dominion Fellowship Ministries.
More on the organizations behind Prey for Newark:
Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” Movement Organizing in Newark, NJ
Anti-Gay Movement Pastor Leads Graduation For 54 Newark Cops
Evangelist Who Thinks Gays Are Possessed By Demons Suggests Obama’s worldview May Be “Aberrant”