Bigots by Other Names

Orly, Orly, Orly….

Why are you exhorting your sycophants to commit a crime? first you set them on harassing a GA judge, then others and, today, she is exhorting her horde to harass HateTalk Host, Michael Savage. Sometimes, does do Mitzvahs:


Posted on | April 8, 2012 | No Comments,

yet I have never had any reply either. (The last belongs to hisadvertising agency).

However, here is an access method to him, that he cannot block so far:This is his Internet streaming site

and I have posted several comments for him. Others can do the sameperhaps at any his streaming site.

Yours truly,


This exhortation is because HateTalker Savage has pronounced the 2012 Presidential Election “rigged”. As we all know the Right will become more and more unhinged as Primal Seasoning continues. Why do they call them “Primaries anways? After the very first Primary, every other is secondary.

Orly has been asked to speak at a “Constitutional something or nutter, and one of the websites is “deuteronomy1715. They seem to want a KING:

From the JPS:

  כִּי-תָבֹא אֶל-הָאָרֶץ, אֲשֶׁר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ נֹתֵן לָךְ, וִירִשְׁתָּהּ, וְיָשַׁבְתָּה בָּהּ; וְאָמַרְתָּ, אָשִׂימָה עָלַי מֶלֶךְ, כְּכָל-הַגּוֹיִם, אֲשֶׁר סְבִיבֹתָי.
14 When thou art come unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee, and shalt possess it, and shalt dwell therein; and shalt say: ‘I will set a king over me, like all the nations that are round about me’;
טו  שׂוֹם תָּשִׂים עָלֶיךָ מֶלֶךְ, אֲשֶׁר יִבְחַר יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ בּוֹ:  מִקֶּרֶב אַחֶיךָ, תָּשִׂים עָלֶיךָ מֶלֶךְ–לֹא תוּכַל לָתֵת עָלֶיךָ אִישׁ נָכְרִי, אֲשֶׁר לֹא-אָחִיךָ הוּא. 15 thou shalt in any wise set him king over thee, whom the LORD thy God shall choose; one from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee; thou mayest not put a foreigner over thee, who is not thy brother.

Orly is now a Royalist. What she also doesn’t get, is that these ginks are Evangelicals.

Rumours Gin Mill

to the enablers of Dr. Orly Taitz & her ilk

My fellow Americans,

The best part of being an American Citizen, besides having the Constitution to guide us into the FUTURE, is that we can disagree on all manner of things. Boxers v. Briefs 49ers v. KC, SC BBQ v. NC BBQ, keeping the 16th Amendment and our Right to select our Representatives in DC v. Those who would willingly give that Right back to the State Government where corruption reigns. Our the Right for our children to grow up safely as opposed to being put to work such as they do in India, Indonesia and other nations.

Yes, I am a member of the media, and I do intend to submit my questions to Dr. Taitz. I have asked her to release her immigration records, which she is refusing to do citing her many trials around the country. I am accused of “betraying the Constitution”, when it is Dr. Taitz and her ilk that you unthinkingly and unquestioningly hand your frequent flyer miles and hard earned dollars to. I ask you only to do one thing. It’s not easy. But I ask itof you as a fellow American:

What do you really fear? A name? A skin color? The reality that anyone can really grow up to be President of the United States? All I ask of you is to think about it. I don’t need to know your answer, as it is between you and your God.

Today, I received a “love letter” from one of you in my Facebook message.

If I was standing before you, I would tell your a traitor and run you out of my country. When McCain was asked to show his BC, he did without question. This Liar in Chief you are suppoting is hiding all his records and signed an executive Order to seal all his records. “Those who don’t want to disclose the truth, have something to hide” ~Barry Soetoro/Obama~ The only way to find the truth, is to have a judge that isn’t corrupt and media POS like you to report it. Since Soetoro is signing NDAA, you become a target for every soldier that will defend the Oath they swore to, KILL the Fucking Enemy! You are every Americans enemy and will be quarted like all the rest of the traitors who went against the Constitution! I hope you have a big Moat to protect you. The second Revolution is coming, thanks to POS like you! Semper Fi!

Now, I don’t take kindly to threats. but, y’know, it’s all 0’s and 1’s to me. So as long as it stays online, have at it. But be aware, that I have survived many a Usenet flame war, and I give no quarter. My comment stream here is moderated, and as long as you aren’t spamming a business or adult sex toy or stick a url in your name, I’ll let your comment post. You wish to be vulgar? bigoted? stupid? ignorant? be my guest. Your words will stand. FOREVER.

Just be prepared to be illuminated in the Way of the Dharma Dueler.

“Saepe summa ingenia in occulto latent”

Reprints & Crossposts

Beck is Head Faking the Left, & we are falling for it

Two Americas. Two Consensus Realities. We are witnessing a breakdown in what we define as “Glenn Beck” Nowhere more clearly can this be seen in articles from the NY Times regarding Beck’s departure: The article in the business section toes the “declining ratings” line gives us a fuller story to , whereas mediadecoder’ blog shares this consciously ignored by all other outlets, morsel of FOX’s vertical integration with Beck, but BOTH share this:

Fox News and Mercury Radio Arts, which have clashed over the making of the program, will “work together to develop and produce a variety of television projects for air on the Fox News Channel as well as content for other platforms including Fox News’ digital properties,” the companies said in the statement.As expected, a senior Fox News executive, Joel Cheatwood, will join Mr. Beck at Mercury Radio Arts starting later this month.

In the article in the business section, we get a fuller reading on that little morsel:

Notably, descriptions of Mr. Beck’s future plans drew derisive comments in some quarters of Fox News, where they argued that Mr. Beck needed the huge platform of his Fox show to build his media empire.At times, Mr. Beck and his managers said they sensed that Fox was retaliating in public, although they did not prove it.

Last month, when Mr. Cheatwood was first said to be moving over to Mercury, his Fox salary was suddenly leaked to a reporter. That day, a staff member who had been working with Fox on Mr. Beck’s show was asked if he could imagine working at an institution that would leak a salary figure. The staff member replied, “Not only can I imagine it, we’ve done it for 27 months,” referring to the precise number of months Mr. Beck had been at Fox. “It’s not fun.”

Let me repeat and emphasize that last sentence: As expected, a senior Fox News executive, Joel Cheatwood, will join Mr. Beck at Mercury Radio Arts starting later this month.

So, while my fellow Progressives pat themselves over this “victory” they cannot see the massive head fake in the story, and claim FOX is “well rid of Cheatwood” (he had the temerity to talk to Beck without Royal Leave to do so), I call shennanigans and bullshit. As an actor, I have to analyze a script, to get “into the head” of the character and circumstances. I apply the same standard to entertainment news – if there is more than one article on the same subject, I’ll look at all of them as things are always “left out”. like the statement above. As far as I know, THAT is the ONLY reference to FOX involvment with Beck’s production company. Roger Ailes is quite happy that we think that Beck was fired or quit:

Beck said that he went to Roger Ailes, Fox News chairman and CEO, in January to discuss ways they could continue to work together without the daily show.

“Half of the headlines say he’s been canceled,” Ailes said. “The other half say he quit. We’re pretty happy with both of them.”

Ailes emphasized that Fox and Beck will continue to work together.

“We like each other,” he said in a dual interview with Beck. “We’re not drawing pictures of each other on the walls, having staff fights and stealing each other’s food out of the refrigerator or any of that stuff.”

Beck sees himself as “Howard Beale” are we seeing the beginning of Beck’s desired end?

The proof is in the pudding with my claim that the Vertical Integration between Beck and FOX is being studiously ignored:


ABC News

even media matters gets it wrong

UPDATE: AS I SAID, I CALL SHENNANIGANS, and I am correct: From a “press release” over at regarding Joel Cheatwood’s “defection” from FOX:

Joel Cheatwood, SVP/Development at FOX News, will be joining Mercury Radio Arts effective April 24, 2011. Part of his role as EVP will be to manage the partnership and serve as a liaison with FOX News.

Ailes said, “Joel is a good friend and one of the most talented and creative executives in the business. Over the past four years I have consistently valued his input and advice and that will not stop as we work with him in his new role.”

oil on velvet

R.I.P. Republican “Grand Old Party” Party 1854-2010

The “Grand Old Party” a/k/a GOP a/k/a The Republican Party a/k/a The Party of Lincoln was finally laid to rest after succumbing to neurodegeneration. It was 146 years old. The Grand Old Party had a long and distinguished life beginning with its fight against extending (but not ending) slavery into the Territories. It’s earliest members were former Whigs, Know-Nothings, and Free Soil Democrats. In 1856, it’s slogan was “Free Labor, Free Soil, Free Men”. However, it wasn’t until the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, that they suddenly became abolitionist rather than simply “containists”. After Lincoln’s assassination, and the election of US Grant, GOP saw rot set in in the form of corruption. Under the stewardship of GOP, America saw the disenfranchisement of Americans in the South, the driving of former slaves off plantations, away from the only work they knew, and, the re-classification of Creoles as “Negro”

Tell me, does American Composer Louis Mareu Gottschalk, a Creole, look “black” to you?

Well,  GOP thought so, simply because his mother was Haitian. and, so legislated him to the ranks of historical error, and thus gave birth to the “tragic mulatto” meme. GOP lost interest in the fate of freedmen, and came to fear the freedmen (blacks) as “potentially dangerous to the economy” by perhaps demanding a fair wage?

GOP used churches from its birth to gather support:

Historians have explored the ethnocultural foundations of the party, along the line that ethnic and religious groups set the moral standards for their members, who then carried those standards into politics. The churches also provided social networks that politicians used to sign up voters. The pietistic churches emphasized the duty of the Christian to purge sin from society. Sin took many forms—alcoholism, polygamy and slavery became special targets for the Republicans. The Yankees, who dominated New England, much of upstate New York, and much of the upper Midwest were the strongest supporters of the new party. This was especially true for the pietistic Congregationalists and Presbyterians among them and (during the war), the Methodists, along with Scandinavian Lutherans. The Quakers were a small tight-knit group that was heavily Republican.

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15 Minutes

Why, yes, I will be hosting a talk show

over here Fridays 5-7 PST/8-10 EST. I’ll be talking about Language and how it shapes the Consensus Reality and what happens when language gets schizoid. Call and let’s discuss the following premise:

I’ll be bringing up elements of what some call “woo” and others call “new age” and others NWO, call it what you will, but the fact remains, we as a whole, agree on our Reality and what it means to us. The fabric of Reality is being torn and patched by the Rightwing from the Kochs to Heritage Foundation to Glenn Beck and Orly Taitz. It’s my opinion, that there is a shift from a Forward looking reality where our Nation excels to one where we live in a Dystopian World not so much of William Gibson or Phillip K. Dick or even Orwell or Huxley, but one of our own intentional making.

Progressives, Liberals, and yes, my own dear Pagans have let the frightened Right shift perceptions, while we just whinge and stamp our feet. Their tactics are not “occult” or “mysterious” they’re actually rather blatant and simple:
Trust me. I know what they’re about.
Let’s tell some stories ourselves, shall we?

Ghimeabragh, twitter

Rightwing Sleight of Mouth or the Right tries to redefine “Blood Libel”

I’ve decided to update this post with the entire exchange. oldest tweet to last. I am ExitPass

grivno Ben Grivno
Did you know that it’s impossible for historic terms to take on a broader meaning? So sayeth the Blood Libel obsession crowd! #TeaParty #p2
@grivno Blood Libel has a vry specific meaning. 1 that incited, & still incites anti-Jewish sentiment. It’s bn adopted by the Arab states.
@ExitPass Language is not a permanent fixture. the meaning of terms can broaden. the obsessive focus on a single term looks kinda crazy.
@grivno so, “nazi” no longer means “white supremicist“? “Christkiller” no longer means “Jew“? “Spic” no longer refers 2 “hispanics”? Gotcha
@ExitPass “racist” no longer means “one who believes his/her race is superior.” now it means “one who opposes the progressive agenda”
@grivno (cont) So,#Giffords accused Palin of “Blood Libel” when she criticized the “surveyor’s” symbol ovr her “surveyed” district as provacative?

From: @grivno
Sent: Jan 12, 2011 7:51p

@ExitPass the “blood” part refers to group of genetically-related people, this could expand to mean ideologically-related people

@grivno nice try. As a Jew, I KNOW whaT it means, and it means “Jews murder christians and use their blood in matzoh”. THAT’S what It means

@ExitPass I was setting up a logic framework, not dissing your intelligence. I figured U knew what it meant.

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