Activism, Bigots by Other Names, Reprints & Crossposts, Theocracy NO

Thoughts on the GOP Game

The GOP is putting into practice here what was perfected under other Administrations and their destabilization of other countries, particularly in South America. I am of the opinion, that we laugh at the current event page at our peril. The people fomenting sedition and calling for the overthrow of our duly elected government are the shock troops FOX has been grooming since the inception of the network.

These “patriots” have been fed a steady diet of fear, hate, and conspiracy to the point that they have created an entirely separate Consensus Reality where they live in a Repressive [insert Doublespeak Description here] Regime that has taken away their “voice” as Americans. They have fallen prey to the hucksterism of “Sovereign Citizenship” and the embrace of a Social Darwinian view of Humanity, which they have bought as “Christianity“. They have an “I got mine, so fuck you” attitude towards others that are in the situation they were in. While we may jeer at them, they feel and most importantly, they Believe they are being bullied, and we know that the Bullied Can And sometimes Do turn violent and kill everything in sight.

When you listen to people talk about their Constitutional Rights, they seem to leave out the FIRST AMENDMENT. There is a reason why the Framers placed the RIGHTS of Speech, Petition, Press and Worship as Paramount over the Militia. These Sacred Rights are more important than the Milita.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Do the Fearmongers not comprehend?

And, what brought me to this? There is a Facebook “Event” that is supposed to take place in May  June, when a group of “patriots” will attempt to arrest the entirety of our Duly Elected Government and the Supreme Court.


We The People will meet at the Capital Building in Washington DC to make a mass citizens arrest on every member of congress – both the house and senate, the Vice President and President for Treason against the United States of America.

With the aid of local law enforcement We The People will read formal charges of treason against each and every one of them and then each will be arrested and given due process.

We The People as American citizens have every right to make a citizens arrest if we see a crime being committed or know of a crime that has been committed and OUR elected officials are not holding their oaths to uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution and they no longer represent the people and doing so is TREASON and they must be held accountable.

Its past time the American people took action to hold OUR elected officials accountable for the damage they have done to this great country. I hope you will be one of the true American patriots that will show up and help the American people to see OUR country again.

Lets do this the PEACEFUL way fellow Americans. We are a republic – the rule of law and lets use the law to do the right thing and arrest them all for treason.

Yet, they are not “overthrowing” the Government, because ELECTIONS!!!!!!

To Restore The Republic – Four Goals

All 50 states each nullify the federal government by voting by ballot – only takes 35 to do it.

All 50 states make voter registration without declaring any party – only register to vote. We are all Americans and America comes before any political party. Both major parties are corrupt and no longer represent the people. Make the primaries blanket so there are no parties involved. That means no republican or democrat primaries – all Americans.

All 50 states make ALL elections paper ballot only and mandatory hand counts. NO ELECTRONIC MEANS to count ballots or vote.

All 50 states make it mandatory that a jury is told there are three options – not guilty, guilty, and the law is unjust and nullify the charges. The legal system needs checks and balances too and a jury is one way to do that. The status quo currently HIDES this from any jury.

Ohh, loook!!! Jury Nullification!!!

oh, and they want “Oath Keepers” to protect them, while they attempt to break up the United States of America.

One commenter, speaks thus:

Samantha Adams I would like to get everybody to pledge that they will go over a Constitutional course by either The National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS) or by Michael Badnarik, which is currently available through the Internet at:

link removed. 

If they do not make a PLEDGE to go through one of these Constitution courses they should not come.*

Considering the fact,t hat the “Constitutional Expert” is a computer “expert”, conspiracy theorist, and disrespects the flag by placing it upside down, and therefore knows the Real Truth of what our Constitution says. He’s an idiot.

English: Detail of Preamble to Constitution of...

*this is akin to the pre-Voting Rights Act‘s Polling place Literacy Test for Blacks.

The first page of the Voting Rights Act.
The first page of the Voting Rights Act. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Bigots by Other Names, Ghimeabragh

Did Orly Taitz commit Perjury to gain US Citizenship?

Orly Taitz Admits her Allegiance is not to the United States, while hemming and hawing about the question

I was listening to the Pete Santilli show, and reading the description, when this lept out at me: “During the interview Taitz admits she is a duel citizen and her allegiance is to the State of Israel. She states that being a duel citizen is not illegal in America and Palestinians are murdering Iraeli’s and justifies the slaughter of the Palestinian people by saying Benjamin Natanyau is not an evil man.”

NOTE: Spelling errors appear in the post see complete screengrab, below.

Screen capScreen shot 2013-01-27 at 5.34.40 PM

While dual-citizenship is not a crime, swearing falsely to gain Citizenship is.

Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America


“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the armed forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”

As you can see from the Oath, Loyalty to America has PRIMACY over any other Nation-State. The fact that she admitted to such is alarming, as it changes the nature of her “Crusade” to one that seeks to overthrow the duly elected POTUS in favor of a President that will bomb Iran.

So, Mrs. Taitz, are you an American or a paid Foreign Agent, and if you are a Foreign Agent, why have you not registered with the Government as is required by Law:
The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) was enacted in 1938. FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities.  Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents. The FARA Registration Unit of the Counterespionage Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Act.

Santilli says she should be vetted. Yet, she keeps dodging the questions I have put to her. For all her claims, this is about Israel, and going to war with Iran as Israel’s “proxy”. I love Israel, but I do not love the  shitty games some play regarding Israel. If anything, Orly is neither a “patriot” nor a lover of Israel, if she thinks that striking Iran will not have consequences within Eretz Yisroel. If she is anything, she is an agent of our Enemies.

Activism, Ghimeabragh

An Open Letter to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller and US Attorney General Eric H. Holder

Dear Sirs,

When an American Citizen uses fear and intimidation to influence another, it is a crime. When an organization such as the Mafia, or major drug cartels use fear and intimidation against citizens to influence their behavior, you call it “Racketeering”. What is it when Corporations threaten the livelihoods of their employees if they don’t vote a certain way? Certainly, with the Citizens United ruling, and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney‘s assertion that “Corporations are People”, certainly you have the power of the RICO statutes to investigate them for Voter Intimidation and extortion. Why are Corporate-Americans immune from teh same laws that others are not?

From a cnbc article:

As a contentious election season enters its final weeks, a flurry of communication from corporate leaders to rank-and-file workers strongly implies that voting for President Barack Obama could imperil their jobs and their financial stability.

Employees of a paper company owned by the outspoken billionaire Koch brothers received a mailing warning that they could “suffer the consequences, including higher gasoline prices, runaway inflation, and other ills” if they voted for candidates not supported by Koch-owned companies or its political fund-raising arm.

The company also provided workers with a list of those candidates it supports. At the top: Mitt Romney, according to media outlet In These Times, which broke the story. “The packet also included an anti-Obama editorial by Charles Koch and a pro-Romney editorial by David Koch,” it said.

In the private sector, though, such instances skew pro-Romney. The candidate himself suggested that business owners adopt this practice during a virtual town hall meeting with the National Federation of Independent Businesses back in June.

“I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections,” he said, telling the audience, “Nothing illegal about you talking to your employees about what you believe is best for the business, because I believe that will figure into their election decision, their voting decision.”

Sounds like Mr. Romney is suggesting a little “fatherly” talk. Much like a mobster telling a bar owner what’s good for him and his business. Certainly, it’s not “illegal” but the baseball bat is there to reinforce the idea. If this were two African-Americans standing outside a single precinct, you would be all over this like flies on a corpse, but since it’s just a bunch of wealthy “job creators (off-shore) you ignore it.

Gentlemen, with Corporate-Americans wielding the Baseball Bat of unemployment, do you think that Working-Americans, Americans will vote their preference or their paycheck?


(1) “racketeering activity” means (A) any act or threat involving murder, kidnapping, gambling, arson, robbery, bribery, extortion,…

if that doesn’t work, how about Voter Supression? That too, is a Federal offense.


The 40 year old Magpie

Reprints & Crossposts

Following Up: My latest newsvine article

I recently read a Letter to the Editor of the Sacramento Bee, where Dr. Taitz made a quite startling revelation:

“…I was born in a shack, heated with a stove with wood and coal, where I considered myself being lucky to have running water.  I came to this country as an immigrant with only one suitcase in her hand and worked hard to attain most difficult professional licensure, developed businesses, built a not for profit foundation,..”

Why am I stunned? Well, in other interviews, she mentions her parents were science teachers. She was not “born in a shack” as Moldavia set out to eradicate illiteracy, and so her parents would have had a rather good life. She also, for the first time does not mention she emigrated to Israel before coming to America, nor does she mention her husband, whom she met in Israel. She gives the Bee readers the nostalgic image of the “poor Eastern European” immigrant who only had a single suitcase, no family and no no. A bit strange, don’t you think?

This revelation led me to send Dr Taitz some follow up questions.

If your family was as poor as you now state, how did you afford to attend Hebrew University? Did you have scholarships, grants or some other means of paying the tuition for your studies? 

 Regarding your foundation, may I inspect the 501c (3) non-profit documents? Who is on the Board of Directors for  your foundation? If the documents or other foundation information is/are available online, will you supply the link(s)?

When you arrived in America, at which Port of Entry did you arrive at? Was your now husband with you? and what was your immigrant status refugee, fiance or wife? If refugee, why did you feel it necessary to flee Eretz Yisorel, where in your wikipedia and interviews you say you met your husband Eretz Yisorel?

Where you born in Kishinev, or did you move there with your parents? 

 According to an interview with Tablet Magazine there is this quote:

“She said she was raised in Kishinev (or Chisinau, now the capital of Moldova),…”

Dr. Taitz feels I am mocking her. Not in the least. Since Dr. Taitz is now running for public office, she is running to oppose California Senator Dianne Feinstein, I am asking these questions in order to provide essential information on now very public individual. Californians are entitled to know as much about Dr Taitz,DDS, as any other politician. It is called TRANSPARENCY, Dr.

Who is running her campaign committee? Who is funding it beyond the donations she receives from her supporters? Again, I ask you Dr. Taitz to release your records by signing the FOIA that I sent to you.

Word Salad Spam

Word Salad Spam, or Sarah Palin reads my blog

And, I quote:

Seemly hour I am so joyful I initiate your blog page, I in the final analysis bring about you at hand boo-boo, while I was researching on Askjeeve over the extent of something else, Regardless I am here at the moment and would right-minded like to put many thanks after a marvelous record and a all round alluring blog (I also taste the theme/design), I don’t comprise time to wear out through it all at the minute but I cause saved it and also added your RSS feeds, so when I have ever I will be destroy to pore over more, Cheer do regard up the major masterpiece.

I added all the suggested tags just to perk up the spam aspects of this.

15 Minutes, Activism, Rumours Gin Mill

Orly Taitz, Free Speech for Me, AND for Thee

This morning I awoke to learn that the facebook group: Orly’s World had been deleted by facebook as “hate group” and what made us a “hate group”, why our Constitutional Right to mock Orly Taitz and her batshit birther seditionists. It seems on Facebook, you can call the President all sorts of pejoratives, threaten his life,  claim the Courts are corrupt and treasonous when they don’t agree with you, and call for outright sedition, yet, Facebook looks the other way.

The Supreme Court in 1988, sided with Hustler’s publisher, Larry Flynt in his right to ridicule public figures:
Issuing one of their most important defenses of a free press in recent years, the justices concluded that the Rev. Jerry Falwell could not recover $200,000 in damages awarded by a Roanoke, Va., jury for intentional infliction of emotional distress.

The cause of the distress was an admittedly vulgar spoof in the Hustler magazine. It depicted Falwell, the founder of the Moral Majority and a famous crusader for morality, as a drunken hypocrite who lost his virginity to his mother in a Virginia outhouse.

Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, explaining why the damage verdict could not stand, said most people would consider the Hustler spoof “gross and repugnant.” But, he declared, “we think the First Amendment prohibits such a result in the area of public debate about public figures.”

“Were we to hold otherwise, political cartoonists and satirists would be subjected to damage awards without any showing that their work falsely defamed its subject,” Rehnquist said.

It is not enough for a political official or public figure to prove that his attacker was motivated by hatred or ill-will and intentionally sought to hurt his feelings, Rehnquist wrote.

full decision here

Dr. Taitz and her sycophantic Teabirthers need to understand that the holding of opposing views and opinions are what makes a Nation great. It is when those views you don’t agree with are suppressed that a Nation indeed flirts like a high priced whore with Tyranny.  Do they? Not on your life. That’s the  thing about Teabirthing Seditionists. They simply HATE. Hate the President, hate Congress, hate no religious test for public office , hate the Government and especially the Constitution’s Preamble and the Bill of RIGHTS.  so when a group of people of varying political ideologies come together to mock “Lady Liberty” (sic), we are labeled “cyberbullies” a “hate group”.

They will hate themselves for being so gullible, once they wake from their slumber.

We Are Orly's World. Expect Us