
A Petition for Redress

To Our Elected members of the Congress and Senate:

When the Will of 90% of the American People is tossed aside to defer to the Firearms Manufacturers and Their Blood Money, it becomes apparent, that the Right to be Secure in Our Homes and Persons means little to them.  When the Lives of Our Children mean less than Money, You, have an Issue with Your Conscience, Ethics, and the Creator.

We, the undersigned Americans, therefore, Demand a National Referendum on the Following:

1) Black Powder must be brought into conformity with other explosive materials, and therefore, must have taggants included in its manufacture.

2) Reinstitute the Brady Act, and the ban on Semi-automatic firearms.

3) Closing of the Gun Show Loophole. While it will not stop lawbreakers from obtaining firearms, it will make it more difficult.

4) Increase penalties for Straw Purchases and Gun Trafficking.

5) The Firearms Manufacturers must have their indemnification against lawsuits removed to enable them to be more responsible in how they market their product.

These five items will only go to Strengthen Our Right to Bear Arms, by bringing the Manufacturers into line with:

Amendment II. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Activism, Ghimeabragh

An Open Letter to FBI Director Robert S. Mueller and US Attorney General Eric H. Holder

Dear Sirs,

When an American Citizen uses fear and intimidation to influence another, it is a crime. When an organization such as the Mafia, or major drug cartels use fear and intimidation against citizens to influence their behavior, you call it “Racketeering”. What is it when Corporations threaten the livelihoods of their employees if they don’t vote a certain way? Certainly, with the Citizens United ruling, and Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney‘s assertion that “Corporations are People”, certainly you have the power of the RICO statutes to investigate them for Voter Intimidation and extortion. Why are Corporate-Americans immune from teh same laws that others are not?

From a cnbc article:

As a contentious election season enters its final weeks, a flurry of communication from corporate leaders to rank-and-file workers strongly implies that voting for President Barack Obama could imperil their jobs and their financial stability.

Employees of a paper company owned by the outspoken billionaire Koch brothers received a mailing warning that they could “suffer the consequences, including higher gasoline prices, runaway inflation, and other ills” if they voted for candidates not supported by Koch-owned companies or its political fund-raising arm.

The company also provided workers with a list of those candidates it supports. At the top: Mitt Romney, according to media outlet In These Times, which broke the story. “The packet also included an anti-Obama editorial by Charles Koch and a pro-Romney editorial by David Koch,” it said.

In the private sector, though, such instances skew pro-Romney. The candidate himself suggested that business owners adopt this practice during a virtual town hall meeting with the National Federation of Independent Businesses back in June.

“I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections,” he said, telling the audience, “Nothing illegal about you talking to your employees about what you believe is best for the business, because I believe that will figure into their election decision, their voting decision.”

Sounds like Mr. Romney is suggesting a little “fatherly” talk. Much like a mobster telling a bar owner what’s good for him and his business. Certainly, it’s not “illegal” but the baseball bat is there to reinforce the idea. If this were two African-Americans standing outside a single precinct, you would be all over this like flies on a corpse, but since it’s just a bunch of wealthy “job creators (off-shore) you ignore it.

Gentlemen, with Corporate-Americans wielding the Baseball Bat of unemployment, do you think that Working-Americans, Americans will vote their preference or their paycheck?


(1) “racketeering activity” means (A) any act or threat involving murder, kidnapping, gambling, arson, robbery, bribery, extortion,…

if that doesn’t work, how about Voter Supression? That too, is a Federal offense.


The 40 year old Magpie

15 Minutes, Activism, Bigots by Other Names, Rumours Gin Mill

An Open Letter to “Dr” Orly Taitz

Dear Mrs. Taitz,

I made Good Faith inquiries to you for an interview about YOU. what makes you tick, your time at Hebrew University, which will neither confirm nor deny you even graduated, Your political bent in Israel like, telling us about your connections to the Right of the banned KaCH party, Beitenu Yisroel, that is anti-Muslim. Or were you a member of KaCh? I’d also suggest not bothering to  attend Yom Kippurim services, since your confessions won’t be sincere. – all of which I deem relevant to Americans who want to understand you better. Your responses offered nothing but excuses, comparisons to real political dissidents who languish in prisons around the world, while you roam free under our oppressive Bill of Rights and to martyrs who have died for their cause. I must remind you, during this time of reflection, that we Jews don’t believe in Willful Martyrdom.

I’ve been following your sideshow for some time, and well, I just gotta say this: WTF? Do you even understand what a SLAPP Suit is? Do you understand what your attempts to deprive American citizens of THEIR right to Free Speech is called?Do you understand ‘RICO’? Your continual howls to boycott this show or that actor or add their names to a bogus “defamation” suit because they said things you considered “mean”, when most likely it was the truth regarding you and your crap “lawyering” . You have made the California State Bar a jesting-stock with your nonsense, and so, the time has truly come, madam, for you to release PROOF that it was you and not some well paid dupe who both took the Taft Law School Courses AND sat for the Cal Bar. And before your howler monkeys descend, I KNOW that you only had to provide your fingerprints at the time of your application to sit for the bar, and no a photo needed. I KNOW that no one from Taft ever spoke to you, I KNOW your English writing skills are worse than an amputee in a Calligraphy school. I KNOW you are incapable of writing a coherent pleading, and that alone should have disqualified your application to Taft.

I have no doubt that those who genuinely support your Sisyphean task truly believe that Hawaii is some exotic land somehow not connected to the USA like Alaska, which is connected to Canada which is connected to the USA.

The others are there for their amusement.

Reprints & Crossposts

Following Up: My latest newsvine article

I recently read a Letter to the Editor of the Sacramento Bee, where Dr. Taitz made a quite startling revelation:

“…I was born in a shack, heated with a stove with wood and coal, where I considered myself being lucky to have running water.  I came to this country as an immigrant with only one suitcase in her hand and worked hard to attain most difficult professional licensure, developed businesses, built a not for profit foundation,..”

Why am I stunned? Well, in other interviews, she mentions her parents were science teachers. She was not “born in a shack” as Moldavia set out to eradicate illiteracy, and so her parents would have had a rather good life. She also, for the first time does not mention she emigrated to Israel before coming to America, nor does she mention her husband, whom she met in Israel. She gives the Bee readers the nostalgic image of the “poor Eastern European” immigrant who only had a single suitcase, no family and no no. A bit strange, don’t you think?

This revelation led me to send Dr Taitz some follow up questions.

If your family was as poor as you now state, how did you afford to attend Hebrew University? Did you have scholarships, grants or some other means of paying the tuition for your studies? 

 Regarding your foundation, may I inspect the 501c (3) non-profit documents? Who is on the Board of Directors for  your foundation? If the documents or other foundation information is/are available online, will you supply the link(s)?

When you arrived in America, at which Port of Entry did you arrive at? Was your now husband with you? and what was your immigrant status refugee, fiance or wife? If refugee, why did you feel it necessary to flee Eretz Yisorel, where in your wikipedia and interviews you say you met your husband Eretz Yisorel?

Where you born in Kishinev, or did you move there with your parents? 

 According to an interview with Tablet Magazine there is this quote:

“She said she was raised in Kishinev (or Chisinau, now the capital of Moldova),…”

Dr. Taitz feels I am mocking her. Not in the least. Since Dr. Taitz is now running for public office, she is running to oppose California Senator Dianne Feinstein, I am asking these questions in order to provide essential information on now very public individual. Californians are entitled to know as much about Dr Taitz,DDS, as any other politician. It is called TRANSPARENCY, Dr.

Who is running her campaign committee? Who is funding it beyond the donations she receives from her supporters? Again, I ask you Dr. Taitz to release your records by signing the FOIA that I sent to you.

Rumours Gin Mill

to the enablers of Dr. Orly Taitz & her ilk

My fellow Americans,

The best part of being an American Citizen, besides having the Constitution to guide us into the FUTURE, is that we can disagree on all manner of things. Boxers v. Briefs 49ers v. KC, SC BBQ v. NC BBQ, keeping the 16th Amendment and our Right to select our Representatives in DC v. Those who would willingly give that Right back to the State Government where corruption reigns. Our the Right for our children to grow up safely as opposed to being put to work such as they do in India, Indonesia and other nations.

Yes, I am a member of the media, and I do intend to submit my questions to Dr. Taitz. I have asked her to release her immigration records, which she is refusing to do citing her many trials around the country. I am accused of “betraying the Constitution”, when it is Dr. Taitz and her ilk that you unthinkingly and unquestioningly hand your frequent flyer miles and hard earned dollars to. I ask you only to do one thing. It’s not easy. But I ask itof you as a fellow American:

What do you really fear? A name? A skin color? The reality that anyone can really grow up to be President of the United States? All I ask of you is to think about it. I don’t need to know your answer, as it is between you and your God.

Today, I received a “love letter” from one of you in my Facebook message.

If I was standing before you, I would tell your a traitor and run you out of my country. When McCain was asked to show his BC, he did without question. This Liar in Chief you are suppoting is hiding all his records and signed an executive Order to seal all his records. “Those who don’t want to disclose the truth, have something to hide” ~Barry Soetoro/Obama~ The only way to find the truth, is to have a judge that isn’t corrupt and media POS like you to report it. Since Soetoro is signing NDAA, you become a target for every soldier that will defend the Oath they swore to, KILL the Fucking Enemy! You are every Americans enemy and will be quarted like all the rest of the traitors who went against the Constitution! I hope you have a big Moat to protect you. The second Revolution is coming, thanks to POS like you! Semper Fi!

Now, I don’t take kindly to threats. but, y’know, it’s all 0’s and 1’s to me. So as long as it stays online, have at it. But be aware, that I have survived many a Usenet flame war, and I give no quarter. My comment stream here is moderated, and as long as you aren’t spamming a business or adult sex toy or stick a url in your name, I’ll let your comment post. You wish to be vulgar? bigoted? stupid? ignorant? be my guest. Your words will stand. FOREVER.

Just be prepared to be illuminated in the Way of the Dharma Dueler.

“Saepe summa ingenia in occulto latent”


The Sheltered Existence, Pt13 Et Mi Matria

Happy UN-Thanksgiving. Times Square Church came and served up Jesus with the turkey and pork. I sat for a bit. got up and left, returned and began shaking with rage over the extreme level of discomfort, and the knowledge that I had reached my limit on the psychological pressure. I cracked. I vented, to a caseworker the week before, a volunteer, and I got the stealth conversion spiel from the woman who organized it from TSC. Everyone was telling me to suck it up and enjoy the turkey (which I did).  Later in the evening, while talking to a  staffer I mentioned my impression that this is not a secular shelter, and she agreed.

This morning, I got the stealth conversion via invitation to a church thanksgiving. The only way I can deal with the pressure is to be out of body, so to speak. or, banish myself to someplace else.

For 4 months,  I have put up with the unrelenting stealth proslytizing by the staff. They get all defensive when I asky why no consideration for other beliefs.   Thursday, the Umbrella organiztion will be serving a Thanksgiving meal. I told my caseworker that I feel the need to be “fucked up” in order to cope with the prospect of being on the outside looking in. I am stressed, anxious, doubling up on my meds. I sleep but wake up tired. I am angry. frustrated.  and, no one at that fucking place really gives a shit. ALL COURT HOLY WATER


I may be in Purgatory, but the rest of them are in Limbo.

So, Hail fucking Eris, kiddies.


Open Letter to UC Davis Chancellor Katehi

As a former Cal Aggie, and damn proud of it, I call upon you to resign your Chair in the wake of your unconscionable support of the pepper spraying of non-violent students:

The actions of the Campus Police are shocking, disgusting, unlawful and are reminiscent of the tactics used in the South to break up lawful and peaceful Civil Rights demonstrations:



These students could have been simply carried to the wagons. With your implied support for such unlawful and excessive tactics, you have paved the way for the Police to escalate their assaults until someone, namely a student is shot and killed. You know, like what happened at Kent State? You remember Kent State?